Messaging and media for collaborative games

Design Direction · Mobile Apps · Growth Startup · Product Strategy

Building on the success of Legendary: Game of Heroes, we realized the impact of guilds on retention, and the necessity of good collaboration for our players to be engaged and competitive. We designed THE N3TWORK as a place for players to communicate, coordinate and build teams for our live gaming events.

In addition to messaging functionality, you could subscribe to media channels based on your interests. We even built out a questions and answers framework, complete with up-voting. At its height of popularity, THE N3TWORK became our core tool for working with our player community. We had VIP groups who tested out new ideas and functionality and provided invaluable design feedback.

On this project, I directed the user experience, working with design leads Anke Weiss and David Hill.

I creative-directed the logo with brand designer, Cory Schmitz.

Prior to Figma, we had exhaustive multi-page flow documents delivered as PDFs.